Sunday, July 22, 2012

Signing Off

Monsoon season has come to end and the dog days of Korean summer are setting in. As my students would say, "Teacher, so hot (and humid). You die."  Luckily I'm leaving in just two days! 

The question of the week has been, "How do I feel?" Frankly, ready. I know when I say good bye to the Hongs and board the bus to the airport my stomach will be in knots and my eyes full of tears, but I'm ready. I never really chose Korea and I stayed so long here more for practical reasons than pure love of it, however, it's been good to me and I'll always be grateful and have a soft spot in my heart for this country. This last week, I've been relishing some things I'll miss, reminiscing, and welling up when saying goodbyes, but I'm ready to write the next chapter and looking so forward to all it holds.  I think a couple lists can give the best insight into what I'm feeling, letting go of, anticipating as I step out of this life and into one that's somehow familiar, yet totally new.

Mr. Hong sporting Raybans!

Things I've appreciated and will miss...

  • this man and his family  ----------->
  • stationary, aka, Art Box
  • food...
  • the sea
  • expendable income
  • cheap shoes, "shoe hospitals", tailors
  • public transportation
  • Buddhist temples
  • Seoul
  • how damn safe this place is
  • reading Korean. In my two years I've jumped on the King Se Jong bandwagon. The man was brilliant and just simply created the most sensible and perfect alphabet ever.

Things I'm looking forward to... 

  • grass! open spaces, blue sky, being able to go somewhere, scream, and know that no one can hear me
  • food...
  • book stores
  • people
  • personal space in public areas
  • anonymity - being just another white girl
  • pedestrian rights
  • diversity
  • toilet paper and soap in the bathroom 

Lastly, thank you to all of you who have made my time here warm and meaningful. There are many more than pictures I can post. 

Joanna, you make me laugh so hard.
Zey, Gigi, you two are just too damn sweet.
Jess, some funny times^^

Kindergarten. The kids I genuinely liked.
And yes, even preschool. 

Jax, Claire, you were there for it all.
O Steve, I really appreciate your existence ;)

Hanna, thanks for the coffee chats.
Julie, so happy we decided to be friends. 
Esther my dear, you kept me sane.
Dong-Hee, it was always interesting.